Upcoming events

Nov. 25, 2014
Mens' Health Forum
Join us on Nov 25th at 7:30 pm at Kingdom Life Assembly, Inchmarlow, Ch. Ch. for a men's health forum.

Topics will include preventative healthcare and screening relevant to men for prostate cancer and other chronic non-communicable diseases.

Come and share in what will be a lively and informative discussion where you will be free to ask questions.

Let's get moving!

Have you ever thought about why it is so hard to do the things we know are good for us and that we want to do?  Why is it so hard to start and stick with things like an exercise regime, a healthy diet, even cleaning and other projects around the home that we seem to keep putting off? 

Motivation has alot to do with it.   Motivation helps you to intiate an action (activation), to keep going despite obstacles (persistence) and determines how vigorously you will perform the task (intensity).

But as we can all attest motivation is not a static thing. It is affected by various factors. For example, your motivation to perform any given task can change with your mood, level of fatigue and with changes in your priorities and values. 

To stay motivated enough to actually start and stick with any task here are some simple steps:

  1. Remind yourself of why it is important to you.  If a task/goal is no longer important  and relevant to your values you won't feel the urge to pursue it. 
  2. Set realistic attainable goals
  3. Make a schedule for performing the task i.e. make firm commitments, it helps to concretise your intentions


Weight Loss Programme

Ask about our healthy weight loss group. Healthy weight loss is based on a healthy diet, portion control and regular exercise. It takes motivation, determination and discipline but it can be manageable, practical and fun with the right guidance and support.

Elderly and disabled persons outreach

Home visits are available for senior citizens and disabled persons in our community who may find it difficult to access healthcare services due to illness, frailty and decreased mobility.  They can receive prompt, personalised and professional care in the comfort of their homes.